
Tooloogle – Smart Utility Tools in Single App for Android Phone 2021

We’re just like you, had a problem finding separate tools and installing from the Play Store. So we’ve put together an app with more than one tool. You can also find tools online on our website and use them on your desktop and laptop. We have the tools available below in this app, and intend to provide you with some filters (scientific, math, programming, etc.) and bookmarks in the app.

Age calculator

The age calculator will calculate the person’s age based on the input you provide.

Gold purity calculator

The Pure Gold Calculator helps you calculate the purity of gold using the carat rating.


Help you count repetitions for any activity.

Temperature converter

Using this tool you can change the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to Kelvin etc.

URL Encoder / Motivator
Encode and decode URL.

Text case converter

A text case converter is a tool that converts any text that is converted to the desired format.

Square Route Calculator

This tool will help you calculate the square root of the entered number.

Percent calculator

Percentage calculator is a tool for calculating percentages.

Strong random password generator

Strong Random Password Generator is a tool to create secure passwords that are impossible to break.

UED / Guide generator

UUED / Guide Generator is a tool for generating GUED (or UUED), abbreviated as ‘Globally Identifier’ (or ‘Globally Unique Identifier’).

Base 64 encoder / decoder

Base 64 encoder / decoder online. In this tool, you can encode text to base 64 strings or decode base 64 strings.

Date format

Date format is a tool that helps you get different date formats.

Email versifier

Email verifier is a means of verifying whether an email is valid or not.

Send a direct message on WhatsApp

This is an online WhatsApp tool that sends a direct message to anyone without saving the number in your contact list. Send a direct message online on the WhatsApp.


It is a compass tool used for navigation and orientation that shows the direction relative to the geographical cardinal directions. It shows north, south, east and west directions using your device’s accelerator.

QR scanner

This QR code scanner tool is the best tool to scan your QR codes anytime and anywhere.

Sound meter

The sound meter helps you check the noise around you. You can check the noise of your air conditioning, refrigerator, motorcycle, car, etc. using your phone.
Note. Mobile microphones are attached to the human voice. So the maximum price is limited by hard equipment, so you can test up to 100dB (mobile brands and models also vary).

Click here to Download Tooloogle from the Google Play Store!

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